Symposium on Science in Support of Archipelagic Management
I pono ka ‘ike i ke kumu — The value of the knowledge is found at the source.
November 19-20, 2018
Ala Moana Hotel
410 Atkinson Dr, Honolulu, HI 96814
The Symposium on Science in Support of Archipelagic Management included presentations on: terrestrial and marine ecosystem composition and function, monitoring of natural resources, protected species research, issues in conservation genetics, climate change biodiversity, and research techniques. Research from multiple archipelagos across the Pacific Ocean was presented.
The symposium was convened and hosted by Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument managing agencies, NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, and the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology.
View the full program.
View highlights from the symposium.
2018 Conference Schedule
November 19, 2018
8:30am | Check In |
9:00am | Opening Oli and Welcome |
9:15am | Keynote - Documenting the Global Biodiversity Library: Exploration and Discovery on Deep Coral Reefs - Dr. Rich Pyle |
10:00am | Predators, Genetics, and Climate Change: Prioritizing Conservation Actions for Endangered Hawaiian Tree Snails - Melissa Price |
10:15am | Spatially quantifying and attributing 17 years of vegetation and land cover transitions across Hawai`i - Matthew Lucas |
10:30am | Weaving Together Cultural and Natural Resources - Joey Latsha |
10:45am | Break |
11:00am | Ensuring long-term survival of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument’s three endemic songbirds through monitoring, habitat management, and translocation - Sheldon Plentovich |
11:15am | Assessing past, present, and future impacts of sea-level rise at Lalo, Papahānaumokuākea - Chip Fletcher |
11:30am | Population Genetics of the Band-rumped Storm Petrel (Oceanodroma castro), an Endangered Hawaiian Seabird - Carmen Antaky |
11:45am | Developing Ecosystem Metrics of Plastic Ingestion by Hawaiian Seabirds - David Hyrenbach |
12:00pm | Lunch |
1:00pm | Over 40 Years of Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle Research: Using Current Trends and New Research to Better Predict the Honu Population's Resiliency to Climate Change - Marylou Staman |
1:15pm | A Historical Review of Commercial fishing Around French Frigate Shoals and its Possible Effect on the Hawaiian Monk Seal - Frank Parrish |
1:30pm | A seal-eyed view of the underwater habitats of the Hawaiian Archipelago - Stacie Robinson |
1:45pm | Long Term Acoustic Monitoring of Cetaceans in the Pacific Islands - Ann Allen |
2:00pm | HICEAS 2017: A Six Month Ship-Survey of Cetaceans and Seabirds throughout the Hawaiian Archipelago - Kym Yano |
2:15pm | An Acoustic Survey of Beaked Whale and Kogia in the Main Hawaiian Islands Using Drifting Recorders - Jennifer Keating |
2:30pm | Discovery of a Western North Pacific Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Breeding Area in the Mariana Archipelago - Marie Hill |
2:45pm | Three Frontiers in Conservation Genetics: Case Histories from Hawaiian waters - Brian Bowen |
3:00pm | Break |
3:15pm | Population Genomics at the Archipelago Scale: Applications, (Reduced) Costs, and Value to Conservation of Hawai‘i’s Biodiversity - Evan Barba |
3:30pm | Assessing the vulnerability of marine life to climate change in the Pacific Region - Jonatha Giddens |
3:45pm | New Marine Geological Maps Reveal the Complexity and Deep-sea Habitability of the Northwestern Hawaiian Ridge - John Smith |
4:00pm | Identifying and Characterizing High-Density Coral and Sponge Communities on Deep Seamount Ridges Within Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument - Chris Kelley |
4:15pm | A Characterization of Mesophotic Reef Fish Assemblages of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument - Randy Kosaki |
4:30pm | American Samoa’s Coral Diversity and Mesophotic Zone - Anthony Montgomery |
4:45pm | Deep and Deeper: Invertebrate Composition from Meso- to Subphotic Depths - Elena Conser |
5:00pm | Reception & Poster Presentations |
7:00pm | Closing |
November 20, 2018
8:30am | Check In |
9:00am | Opening Oli |
9:15am | Keynote - NOAA Science in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands prior to Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument - Dr. Mike Seki |
10:00am | Maritime Cultural Seascape of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument - Jesi Bautista and Savannah Smith |
10:15am | Probability-based Sampling Surveys of Stony Coral Populations in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands - Dione Swanson |
10:30 am | Integration of Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry into the Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program - Atsuko Fukunaga |
10:45am | Break |
11:00am | Unexpected genetic structure in corals; implications for conservation and management. - Zac Forsman |
11:15am | Lab Rat or Shapeshifter? Genetic Identification Reveals Frequent Misidentification of Pocillopora Corals Throughout the Hawaiian Archipelago - Rob Toonen |
11:30am | Mass coral bleaching due to unprecedented marine heatwave in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument - Courtney Couch |
11:45am | Exploring Coral Reef Disturbances with 3D Reconstruction Tools - John Burns |
12:00pm | Lunch |
1:00pm | Investigating natural and anthropogenic drivers of coral diseases in the Hawaiian archipelago - Jamie Caldwell |
1:15pm | Partitioning of Symbiodinium Clades in the Coral Montipora capitata Across Shallow Reefs of the Remote Northwestern Hawaiian Islands - Christopher Wall |
1:30pm | Comparing Watershed Health and Development with Adjacent Coral Reef Conditions to Prioritize Coastal Protection and Restoration in Hawai‘i - Iain Caldwell |
1:45pm | Cryptofauna Distribution and Detection along the Hawaiian Archipelago - Molly Timmers |
2:00pm | Marine Alien Species Distribution and Management in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument - Brian Hauk |
2:15pm | The Theory of Resistance to Marine Bioinvasions in Tropical Systems: Is Hawai‘i an exception? - Scott Godwin |
2:30pm | West Hawaii Ichthyoplankton Project: Exploring a Unique Ecosystem and Their Impact on Larval Fish Ecology - Jonathan Whitney |
2:45pm | Lessons learned from data-limited stock assessments of coral reef fish in the central and western Pacific - Marc Nadon |
3:00pm | Break |
3:15pm | Metabarcoding as a Tool to Examine Herbivore Diets and Inform Management - Eileen Nalley |
3:30pm | From spawning to settlement: describing dispersal and connectivity in the Convict Tang, Acanthurus triostegus, across archipelago and island scales - Richard Coleman |
3:45pm | Effects of SCUBA Exhaust on Fish Surveys in a Large Remote Marine Protected Area - Keolohilani Lopes |
4:00pm | Sub Regional Comparison of the Life History Parameters for a Deep-Water Snapper within the Hawaiian Archipelago - Ryan Nichols |
4:15pm | Impact of Exploitation Evident in Age-based Demography of the Deepwater Snappers Pristipomoides flavipinnis in the Samoa Archipelago and P. auricilla in the Mariana Archipelago - Joseph O’Malley |
4:30pm | Global Genetic Inventory of the Silky Shark: A Local Shark with a Fishing Problem - Derek Kraft |
4:45pm | Challenges in Monitoring and Managing Large Marine Fishes: Lessons from the Galapagos Archipelago - Adam Smith |
5:00pm | Closing |