Monument managers continue to engage and inform the public of activities proposed to occur in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.
Application summaries and full applications are provided for public review. Posting of a permit application does not equate to permit approval. Final authorized permit activities may differ from the proposed activities.
The Summary Information page of each application is posted soon after it is received, in accordance with the Monument's Unified Public Notification Policy. Summary pages provide general information and can be thought of as a snap shot of the full application. The full application is posted once the Monument Permit Coordinators deem the application to be "complete" and address permitting criteria.
Monument Regulations require that applications for Special Ocean Use activities proposed OUTSIDE of Midway Atoll Special Management Area must be posted for public notice and comment 30 days prior to the issuance of a Monument permit.
Click here to go directly to Environmental Documents for Public Review.
The following summaries and full applications are grouped by permit type:
There are no permit applications under review at this time.
There are no permit applications under review at this time.
Conservation and Management
Native Hawaiian Practices
There are no permit applications under review at this time.
Special Ocean Use for Activities outside Midway Atoll
There are no permit applications under review at this time.
Special Ocean Use for Activities solely within Midway Atoll
There are no permit applications under review at this time.
Recreation (Midway Atoll)
There are no permit applications under review at this time.
Appropriate regulatory and environmental reviews (e.g. Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Assessments, and Compatibility Determinations) related to Monument permit applications are posted below:
Environmental Assessment
There are no Environmental Assessments for review at this time.
Compatibility Determination
There are no Compatibility Determinations for review at this time.
Comments can be sent to:
Mail: NOAA/IRC, NOS/ONMS/PMNM/Permit Coordinator
1845 Wasp Blvd, Building 176
Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96818
Facsimile: (808) 455-3093