Brown ear seaweed
Padina is a common brown algae (limu) in Hawaiian intertidal and shallow reef habitats.
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Titan scorpionfish
Scorpionfish are experts at camouflage.
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Manta Ray
Manta rays, hāhālua, are large fish, weighing up to 3,000 lbs.
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Chevron Butterflyfish
Chevron Butterflyfish are found in the Indo-West Pacific, including the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, but are considered rare in the main Hawaiian Islands due to the absence of their primary food source.
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Bigeye Emperor, Mū
Mū are an odd fish, almost like cows of the shallow reef, the way they gather in groups and wander about.
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Hawaiian grouper
The Hawaiian grouper is endemic to the Hawaiian Archipelago and is most common around Midway and Kure Atoll, but very rarely seen on the other Hawaiian Islands.
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Laysan Duck
The Laysan duck is considered to be one of the most critically endangered waterfowl in the world, and is endemic to Hawaiʻi.
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Spotted Coral Blenny
These blennies are a fun underwater sight in the coral reefs of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.
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Polished Nerite
Kūpeʻe are sea snails that live in sandy areas under boulders near the shore line.
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Masked Angelfish
The masked angelfish is a rare species found most abundantly in the Northwestern Islands.
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Spotted Knifejaw
Another interesting fish more prevalent in the cooler Northwest waters of Hawaii is the Spotted Knifejaw.
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Galapagos Shark
The Galapagos shark are a fairly common sight in the protected waters of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.
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Black-lipped pearl oyster
This pearl oyster is treasured by many cultures because it produces the expensive Tahitian black pearl.
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Banded Cleaner Shrimp or Banded Coral Shrimp
This colorful shrimp is found around the world in all warm seas and is typically found hiding inside coral heads or underneath ledges.
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Feathery Black Coral
This black coral species was only recently discovered in the Monument because it is typically found in waters deeper than 200 feet.
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Anemone Hermit Crab
The anemone hermit crab is common in deeper waters of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.
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