La Pérouse Pinnacle
La Pérouse Pinnacle at French Frigate Shoals is a basalt rock outcrop rising 122 feet from the lagoon.
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The American Whaling Ship Parker
The New Bedford whaler Parker was lost on September 24th 1842 at Kure Atoll during a fierce storm.
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The wreck of the USS MACAW ASR-11
MACAW ASR-11 received her commission on July 12th, 1943.
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Flying Boats at French Frigate Shoals
French Frigate Shoals was used as an anchorage for U.S. Navy bi-winged seaplanes during World War II.
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The Dark Side of Bunnies
Although rabbits may be cute and fuzzy, they reproduce quickly, and like many rodents when left unchecked by predators, they breed and eat themselves into local extinction.
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U.S. President Nixon and South Vietnam President Thieu Conduct Secret Meetings at Midway House, 6/8/1969
The more you know about Midway Atoll, the stranger it gets, and just like Las Vegas the going phrase on island is "What happens on Midway, stays on Midway."
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U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross Expediton, 1902
The first Western scientific expedition to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands occurred in 1902.
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The Swan Song of the Laysan Honeyeater
This silent clip, taken in 1923 during the USS Tanager Expedition, may be the last recorded image of the now extinct Laysan Honeycreeper (Himatione sanguinea freethi) or Laysan ʻapapane.
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Midway Pillbox
Just prior to the decisive Battle of Midway, June 4-7, 1942, Marines stationed on Midway were expecting to be overrun by the forces of the Japanese Imperial Navy.
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The British Sailing Vessel Dunnottar Castle
The three-masted 258-foot British iron-hulled ship Dunnottar Castle was built in Glasgow, Scotland in 1874.
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Annexation of Necker Island for the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi
Due to the rugged structure of Mokumanamana (Necker Island) and the difficulty of landing, ownership of the island was unclear into the late 1800's.
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Six Presidents Can't Be Wrong
Over the last 110 years six U.S. Presidents have taken action to protect the unique ecosystems and wildlife of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
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Guano Mining and Egg Harvesting on Laysan Island
At the turn of the 19th Century British guano miners were searching the Pacific for islands with significant guano (bird droppings) deposits to be used for agricultural fertilizer.
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Try pots
Whaling vessels from the 19th century used large iron pots, called try pots, to liquify whale blubber.
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Midway Seaplane Hanger
The historic seaplane hanger on Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and Battle of Midway National Memorial's Sand Island was designed by the famous industrial architect Albert Kahn.
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